To our dear family and friends,
With Great Joy
You are invited to celebrate
The marriage of
The wedding celebration of
Mr. Herman Tirtayasa
Mrs. Handa Yanti
And The Two Will Become One Flesh. So They Are No Longer Two, But One Flesh. Therefore What God Has Joined Togeteher, Let No One Seperate.
Mark 10:8-9
Mr. Colin
Mrs. Yenny
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11
when we were neighbors as babies
June 29,2019
The day we first meet, after we have grown up
July 6,2019
Our first date
July 13,2019
The first time he said i love you
November 4, 2019
The day we commited to become a couple
January 2020
The day when he asked me to be his forever
How can i say no to you? It's definitely YES !
One of the greatest thing in life is just to love and to be loved in return
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Our Dearest Family, Relatives and Friends,
We are delighted to share our special day with you. However due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to celebrate in person with all of you and would love if you could join us virtually and be the witness of our marriage. We really appreciate your participation and your blessings for us. Stay Safe and Keep Healthy.
Dalam keterbatasan di kondisi pandemi saat ini, kami memohon maaf tidak dapat mengundang secara langsung Bapak/lbu/Saudara/i sekalian ke acara pernikahan kami. Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat, Izinkan kami mengharapkan kehadiran Bapak/lbu/Saudara/i secara virtual serta memberikan doa restu kepada kami.
Semoga Anda senantiasa aman dan sehat.
Live streaming (Wedding Felix & Patricia)
Silahkan menonton melalui YouTube Live mempelai untuk menyaksikan serangkaian acara pernikahan secara Live.
10.00-12.00 | Pemberkatan
15.00-17.00 | Resepsi
I have found the one whom my soul loves.
Song of Solomon 3:4
Terimakasih sudah bergabung di acara Live Wedding kami.